When considering decorating a new home or business, I have found that the below considerations prove
to make the process easier and less stressful.
1. If using stone, always start with your stone countertops. There are fewer selection within a price
range, so it helps to narrow down this option first. Then, you can begin making all other
decisions revolving around this selection.
2. I recommend selecting your flooring and rugs as your second major decision in the building
process. This way you can make sure all your materials and colors coordinate with your stone
countertop selections.
3. I always tell my clients to select your paint colors last. That may sound odd, but there are so
many, hundreds even, of options available and if you select your paint first, you are just working
backwards to try to narrow down everything around you paint color.
The building process should be fun and enjoyable – after all you are designing something that you will
enjoy for years to come!
~Lynell Brackman, Interior Designer